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Be touched by the emotions of artists

Experience the added value of a real work of art

Kathleen also has a passion for art, more specifically Belgian contemporary art. Previously purely as a hobby, for several years now in a more active role. Together with her husband, she has started an art collection and she has been hosting an artist residency at Château de Suronde since 2016.
There are many parallels between art and wine, both are unique objects, made by people to be experienced and shared with other people. Both have stories that provide an extra dimension and new experiences, and that create added value in everyday life. And for both the value is very personal, irrespective of the price...


Kathleen had been thinking about starting an artist residency in the Loire for some time, but she was looking for the right expertise, because just as she does not want to make mediocre wine, she also does not want to work with mediocre art. From 2013 to 2020, Kathleen was part of the art initiative Arture, an autonomous platform to promote and sell affordable art by professional Belgian contemporary artists. She met Sven Vanderstichelen at Arture and they have been working together since 2017.

Sven Vanderstichelen is an entrepreneur and expert in Belgian contemporary art, with an obsession for objects, including art, furniture and utensils. He is also the perfectionist “super-aesthete” and creative jack-of-all-trades. Sven regularly crosses the boundaries between art and object, for example with a limited edition carpet with a work of art by Pieter-Jan Martyn, Belgian contemporary artist and graphic designer. Sven is known for making art understandable and accessible to a wide audience.


Kathleen has created a residency for artists at her wine estate Château de Suronde together with Sven Vanderstichelen. The residency is open to all art forms. Every year, a visual artist is invited to a residency in Suronde and a number of works are chosen that will become the labels of the wines of that vintage.


The launch of these wines is accompanied by an exhibition of the chosen artist. Stefan Peters was the artist for the 2017 year. Bram Kinsbergen was the artist for the 2018 year and Pieter-Jan Martyn was the artist for the 2019 year. Virginie Bailly, Peter Waterschool, Tom Woestenborghs and Luc Vandervelde Lux follow...



HUISBURG was created from the collaboration with Sven in Suronde and in Gite les Aleines. A place where Kathleen and Sven work together and share their work with the outside world. A showcase, literally and figuratively.

Together with Sven, Kathleen organizes events around art and wine, including the release of the vintages of Château de Suronde. Add unique objects to this and you get a unique mix that feels very homely, hence the name HUISBURG. Everyone immediately feels at home. And that is also the intention.


HUISBURG is a permanent place where passions can be shared and where there is also room for collaborations with other passionate entrepreneurs.
Kathleen & Sven regularly organize their own exhibitions and events around art, wine and unique objects. This unique environment is then available for private events, dinners and meetings. But there is also time and space in the house for external events, presentations, ...

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